For information about our Academy Advisory Board, visit our Governance page.
For information about Archway Learning Trust, including Articles of Association, Funding Agreements and Financial Statements, visit the Trust’s Statutory Documents page.
Academy Name
Bluecoat Bentinck Primary Academy
Postal address
Alfreton Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 4AA
Telephone No.
0115 915 1566
Enquiries contact name
Fiona Mackenzie (Academy Manager)
Name of Headteacher
Miss M Julian
Name of Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Lisa Holt
Name of the Chair of the Local Governing Body
Sally MacDonald
Name of SENCO
Miss J Wells
Please find our Admission Arrangements by viewing our Prospective Parents section.
Exclusions arrangements:
Please see our Behaviour and Exclusions Policy for our exclusion arrangements on our Policies page.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages and publish those outcomes online.
We have yet to be inspected as a new school. When this happens the report will appear here and also on the pages here
Bluecoat Bentinck Primary Academy does not yet have published performance data since it converted to an Academy in September 2023.
Outcomes from Academic year 22-23 will be the first set of data for Bluecoat Bentinck which will be published on this page once available.
Once we have our Key Stage 2 data you will be able to see how we compare to other schools via this link:
For more information on our curriculum please click here
We are privileged to work in a multi-cultural school where our children come from diverse heritage backgrounds. We strive to ensure that everyone is celebrated and ensure that all cultures and beliefs are valued and celebrated.
Our educational philosophy is a simple one and centres on achieving the best possible outcomes for all of our children so that they are ‘ready, responsible, respectful and safe.
To view our academy policies please click here.
To check your eligibility or to apply for free school meals, please contact the school office
Physical Education
All our pupils take part in structured PE lessons each week through which we aim to develop balance, control, agility, co-ordination, flexibility, strength, technique, tactical knowledge and teamwork skills. PE is delivered through areas recommended in the National Curriculum including Dance, Invasion Games, Gymnastics, Athletics, Outdoor Activities and Swimming. Our aim is to introduce children to a wide range of sports – giving them the opportunity to discover their passion in a supportive and inclusive environment. We are developing partnerships with different providers to ensure that we are consistently offering a high level of provision that engages children and allows them to progress in a manner that is best for their individual needs.
We also use specialist coaches to teach particular sports to ensure the best possible PE provision. Over recent years we have had professional coaches teach urban hockey, ice skating, tennis, basketball, trampolining, boccia, handball, gymnastics, athletics and dance to our pupils.
Swimming regularly is not only a great way of keeping fit and healthy but also an important life skill. This is why we now ensure that all children from in KS2 are provided with quality swimming lessons for a whole term each year.
Swimming lessons take place at the local John Carroll Leisure Centre and are led by two fully qualified swimming instructors. We feel that it is incredibly important for us to support as many children as we are able to access a high level of swimming instruction. These are used both to support children with the necessary skills to achieve the end of KS2 target of swimming 25 metres, and to ensure that children feel safe in the water and, hopefully, develop an enjoyment of the activity which they can pursue further at their own leisure.
After School Clubs
We aim to provide a variety of free sports clubs to our pupils, taking place at lunchtimes and after school.
After school clubs vary throughout the year due to the seasons. These regularly involve football and cricket clubs and a variety of others dependent on the time of year.
For more information about our SEND provision, including our local offer, SEND report and disability accessibility plan, please click here.
Details for the Governance of Archway Learning Trust can be accessed by clicking the link here. This will detail things like our annual accounts, governance arrangements, Trust annual report, memorandum and articles of association, membership, and funding agreement.
For the statutory information on our Academy Advisory Board, click here to go to the main governance page.
You can contact the Academy Advisory Board through the Clerk:
Clerk to the Bluecoat Bentinck Primary AAB
Archway Learning Trust
Aspley Lane
Tel: 0115 929 7445
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